Design Studio 02.1

Looking back at the dialogues and towards the future

Start of the new term and a seminar and time to look back once again at the first term and what I have learned from this experience. If you wish to see an in depth look at the first dialogue show click the button below.

Updated Design Space

After completing the dialogues and spending my break reflecting on my process so far I took some time to grow my design space and position myself for term 2. After the class with Jana and Roger and sharing insights with other students I realized that my position is quite fluid but the key terms that stick out to me are: Energy, Behaviour, Home and Perception. These terms are something I am quite interested in continuing to look into in the coming term

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Questions moving forward

The design dialogues from term 1 were a great experience that next to connecting with others allowed me to really reflect on my work. The main questions that I am considering moving forward are.

  • How might we consider energy and its usage in new ways? With this in mind I am particularly interested in energy over multiple systems, peoples relation to energy and the moment and the 'hacking' of current products for efficiency.  
  • How might we shift peoples behavior to more sustainable choices? I am interested in seeing what ways autonomy, AI and community could change perceptions and in which ways this could effect ones mentals state.
  • What is the correlation between open-sourced designs, creating a living and sticking to your values? This topic is mainly interesting to me for the future considerin as we still live in a capitalistic world and need money to live but I would love to find the balance between helping those in need and still sustaining my life without the need of loans/funding from solely governmental parties.

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