Design Dialogues

How can we shift peoples perception of waste and usage

Going into the design dialogues it became clear to me that my fight was about how people viewed waste and what could be done to help shift perceptions and create products that alter behaviors. My exhibition space was split into two areas. The first focussed on energy usage and the other on tangible waste.

Energy Usage

Energy is something I feel we do not realize we are using and in Europe there was an energy crisis not that long ago. Next to this the wasted energy is generated through various methods. Some of these have negative effects on our planet. These are all things we must take into account when working towards the future. 

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Growing artwork based on the energy consumed by all people in dialogue.

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Personal Device and Poster for PowerPlay

Food Waste

Food waste was something I was very interested in at the beginning but as time went on it faded a bit more to the background. I did want to present my findings during the dialogue as they were still all related to trying and shift ones perception of waste and seeing how we could alter behaviors.  Below you can see the space dedicated to food waste.

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Posters created for both food waste and energy consumption

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Space dedicated to potential ways to repurpose food waste

Reflecting on the Design Dialogues

I went into this dialogue with very little expectation I hope to be able to start some conversations during my dialogues and was questioning if showing energy in such a way would potentially shift how some people viewed the energy used during the exhibit. My group was curious to see if it had any effect or if it was not clear enough. I worked together with Flora mostly to get the Arduino code to connect with Blender so that this part of the intervention was functioning. As we were continuing from intervention 2 I already knew a bit about how the code could function and what aspects played a role in the energy consumption of society.

Throughout the dialogues, I felt that this intervention led to meaningful conversations with various people. I was able to learn from how they experienced the design and also learned a bit more about encapsulated energy and how this could be incorporated into such a design. Next to that, I realized that the tree might be too vague and it would be interesting to see how perhaps AI could be incorporated along with personalized visuals.

Taking all the feedback I received throughout the intervention there are a few steps I wish to undertake within term 2. The first would be to research a bit more about which policies exist currently, how energy is being consumed by myself and others in Barcelona, what post-growth really entails, and finally how could we perhaps learn from other species regulating their energy daily. I feel that this project could help shift us to a more energy-efficient and conscious community in which energy poverty and uncertainty can be addressed.

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