Our Research

Empowering individuals to transition to sustainable energy usage with an innovative AI-powered monitoring system, fostering conscious consumption and supporting the shift to a greener future. X

What is Wattwise?

WattWise is a groundbreaking project revolutionizing how we perceive and manage energy consumption. It serves as your personalized energy-aware companion, seamlessly blending cutting-edge AI technology with personalized advice. Through intuitive visualization tools, it empowers users to comprehend and regulate their daily energy expenditure across vital aspects of life like food, transportation, and home energy usage. By using data from these domains with user input on daily habits, WattWise delivers real-time insights, fostering a deeper understanding of individual energy usage patterns. Beyond mere awareness, it guides users towards making informed decisions, suggesting small changes that cumulatively contribute to significant energy conservation. At its core, WattWise isn't just about data; it's about democratizing sustainability. By making regenerative practices accessible and achievable for everyone, regardless of lifestyle or background, WattWise is driving a fundamental shift towards a more sustainable future.

Our Progress So Far

At our current stage of work, we've delved into researching various topics connected to our interests in energy, behavioral nudges, and how people perceive environmental issues. With this initial research, we, aimed to better understand our own behaviors and the impact of various tools on our energy usage. We quickly realized that if a tool isn't user-friendly, even those interested in the topic struggle to keep up, as we did with our personal tracker.

From there, we reached out to members of our community to gain a broader understanding of how different people and designers view our project. We began by distributing a survey to individuals in the Netherlands, UK, and Spain to gauge their thoughts on energy, tracking, and AI. Subsequently, we hosted a collaborative design session with eight other master students to gain insights into our challenges.

Simultaneously with our research, we tackled various micro-challenges to test and develop an idea centered around connecting with one's energy at a building level and fostering a learning process. Over several weeks, we created both an open-sourced, low-cost energy monitor and our energy bot, Dan. While both elements are currently operational, there's still significant development ahead. For more details on the system's current state and functionality, please visit our GitHub Repo.

Finally, we have started to research into how other people would feel using this device and system of tracking energy. We have run a pilot study into the relationship between sending data and gaining insights in a human-like manner. In the coming weeks we will be continuing with this research and creating a better understanding of what other people struggle with.

Mobirise Website Builder
Dan our Energy Friend

He is built to be friendly and help you with your day to day needs

Mobirise Website Builder
Our Open Sourced Monitor

Easy to source components and simple set-up define this monitor which works in tandem to Dan. 

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