Machine Paradox

From Old to New what can we do?

Some packed weeks filled with understanding the whole system of a machine. We started by choosing a machine and then went into how we could change these into something new. it was fun to not have the pressure of needing to create something with a clear purpose but being able to experiment with the different components.

The phases

In this course we did various exercises to turn an old machine that we as a group selected into something new. This process over the 2 weeks took place in the 4 phases shown below.


Forensics of Obsolescence

Deconstructing the microwave and learning all that we can about the function and parts.

The Right to Hack

Rethinking how the electronical components function and what it can mean to hack the current elements for new purposes.

Rethink and Reconnect

Using the machines parts to create an experience that seems different from the original purpose. 


Once the course was finished and the machine done, it was time for me to reflect on what I learned and what I wish to continue to use in the future.

Forensics of Obsolescence

This phase focussed on us coming together as a group to really look into what the microwave we chose consists of. We spent some time deconstructing the microwave and then delving into the different components and how they work together and which area was causing the failure. 
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The group at work

The group worked really hard to dismantle the microwave that we had chosen for our project, and while it was not the most simple machine with safety in mind, it was still interesting. I liked that while we worked we shared our expertise with each other and also shared ideas of how we could possibly use certain parts. This wasn't meant to push us in any direction but to inspire us to think out of the box. 

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All the Parts Layed Out

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Dismantling it All

Ending Phase 1

While at the beginning I wasn't so sure what we would end up with from the dismantling of the microwave, we ended up having a lot of fun. and I feel that I learned a lot about the workings of the machine. For me the biggest thing was reconnecting with something I used to do as a kid, taking about broken things, and trying to understand it at a deeper level. Writing our forensic report also gives what I feel a good overview of what we did and how it works. If you want to see the group report click on the button below. 


The Right to Hack

This part of the machine paradox really only took a day, but for me it was one of the most fun parts. As I explained before we came across some challenges with AC and DC during the first phase and this part of the project taught me how to rewire components and still be able to use Arduino to control the elements.
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Hacking in Action

Together with my group we spent the majority of the day soldering, rewiring and writing simple yet effective code to see if we could control the basics of each part. This was a success and we managed to figure out ways to make each part function as we wanted. This means that we should in theory be able to use all the parts in the next design phase. 

Ending Phase 2

This was a short phase but also essential to the design process. To be able to build a new machine we really needed to understand the different components and how they could be used. I liked that I was able to try new techniques and learn a bit more about wiring/soldering of components. This phase for me can be summarized by understanding and trying techniques that are essential for the next part. 


Rethink and Reconnect

The phase that took us from a lot of random parts to a almost useless machine. For me this was a lot of fun as it built forth on the week before. We worked on creating an idea, making many sketches, prototypes and finally building the final prototype.

The Design Process

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First Sketch
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Quick Form Test
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Box Prototype
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Cutting the Parts
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3D Printing Clips
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Lasercutting Box
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Rewiring Cables
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Assembling Final Product

Anxious Air Video

A Wes Anderson styled video to show the humour of our machine and its uselessness contrasting to the original use of the microwave.
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Anxious Air Machine

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Machine in Use

Ending Phase 3

My favorite phase in the whole course. This week brought forth new challenges I hadn't thought of before. We started with a large brainstorming session and from that we chose our concept. This part was relatively easy but then came the challenge of figuring out how we could take our concept and create the machine we ended up making. I feel the largest challenge was trying to fix mistakes we had made when measuring and making parts. It forced us to work together as a team and think of creative solutions. This way we had to make both boxes smaller, and this led to finding a place for our wires to run into as these slots were on the corners. All in all this phase led to a final machine which accomplished what we set out to do in the beginning and also create a interaction with many classmates. 


Reflecting on Machine Paradox

This course has given me many new skills and also taught me to think outside of the box for new solutions. For me, it was about trying out as many new production techniques as I could and being curious about how I can reuse old parts to create something new. This topic is so interesting as it will always be important in the design process to look at what you have and see if you can use that before going for new materials. I feel that my main learning goal within this course was to be open to change in direction and using as many components as possible in a new way. I would say that, in the future, I would aim to use DC as it is easier to control, but AC has a simplicity that is nice when building something that only has very specific needs. Next to this aspect, in this course, I learned a lot about rewiring circuits and how AC and DC currents can co-exist in a machine.

I also think that learning how to use laser cut & 3D print technologies was a great way to understand them better. These are now methods that I can use for creating prototypes and products in the physical world. I feel that this will allow me to get a deeper understanding of my designs and how they would work. I am super happy with this course and the way it allowed us as a group to explore many angles of design in a short space. It also taught us that as a group, we can help each other out and learn from each other. In the future, I can definitely see myself leaning on my classmates for input and their expertise.

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