Living With Your Own Ideas

How do I experience my field of design

Throughout this week we explored the concept of living with your own ideas and using personal experiences and reflections to drive design decisions. We engaged in experiments such as creating a companion to explore rapid prototyping and living with your design. The next part of the course focussed on partaking in an experiment in which I chose to collect and analyze my food and household waste for 24 hours. The course encouraged me to reflect on my experiences, uncover areas of friction, align my values with my design project.

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Exercise 1: My Inner Tranquility

On the first day of class we learned about first person prototyping and trying to use things easily available to us to create a functioning prototype which could be used in our house/daily life. I chose to focus on the word tranquillity and creating a sense of peace within. My companion inner peace hung in my room and whenever I walked by I remembered to take a moment for myself. This was not the original idea of the companion so it was cool to see that it even unconsciously reminded me to breathe. Furthermore, it was possible to select small exercises to do to take a step back which was fun to do.

Exercise 2: My First Person Perspective

Tracking and reducing my waste stream for 24 hours. This experiment was chosen based on my interest in new materials and understanding how we can use waste in a new way. However, before using your waste I felt it was essential to get a better understanding where my waste came from and if there were options available for me to reduce my waste. This is as while finding new value for waste is intriguing, the lowering of my impact is another factor that plays a role within my life. In the video below you can see my journey throughout the 24 hours and the challenges I faced. 
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Building forth on my experiment

After the 24 hour experiment was done I took a closer look at the waste I created and thought about how I could reuse as much as possible. I decided to store my vegetable scraps in the freezer, for when I have enough I will make a soup from it. Moreover, the yoghurt and chickpea containers were cleaned and then put into my cupboard as new food containers for meals in the future. Finally, I opened up the coffee pod, took out the coffee and used it as a fertilizer for my plants. This experiment gave me a few insights into how I could continue to take a better look at my own impact and see how I could reuse various waste streams.  

Living With Your Own Ideas Reflection

After finishing this week, I took some time to reflect on the methods I used and what I felt I learned throughout the week. This reflection is essential to gain a better understanding of my design space and goals in the future.

When involving myself in my research, I was forced to realize that I am in a place of privilege. It forced me to position myself in relation to others. I was able to spend a little bit more and do this by how others would face this challenge. Solutions in this field need to function for everyone you are trying to help. This week also gave me a sense of freedom that I could just go out and experience what I wanted to know more about. It was a new perspective on design and research.

Also, using myself as an instrument allowed me to throw myself into the deep end and discover new areas of friction within my design space. Small things like stickers on fruit were things I hadn’t even considered before and by doing the experiment for 24 hours I was able to get a better understanding of various problems. I also felt that I got to feel my personal feelings and relate myself better to my project. While designing and using myself, I got a better understanding of my interests but also remembered that there are also others you must keep in mind.

Furthermore, I feel that throughout this week I shifted in the way I worked. I started to think less about the goal of the research and more about feeling and imagining life without much waste. By attuning myself to my feelings I was able to focus on what inconveniences I felt and take note of these. These irritations right now only relate to me but could perhaps also impact others. Furthermore, I gained a better understanding of my norms and values. For my design practice it made me question why we always start with a brief and then research. Why can’t we first immerse ourselves and then go from there? This is something I would love to learn more about in the future.

I feel that I will use this method of design in the future to gain a fresh perspective on any field that I end up in. I like that this could be used to align myself with the project and see challenges that people face or will face. Next to this, I liked what Angela said about using this technique to help yourself move through blocks. In my past in design sometimes I felt lost or had a lack of new perspective, using this then would have been helpful. I think it would open my mind to new possibilities so am excited to use it in that new way. Also finding a way to use this method to embed myself into a community. Instead of designing from a place/community for another, forcing myself to go there and experiencing what the people experience and using that input to then better design for people.

I would say it has opened me to some new possibilities for collaboration but also helped me to realize that some connections I worked with already are also still in the same area. For example, Minnie who used food energy and waste energy and comparing that was new for me as I had never seen it like that before and working with her would allow me to gain new insights in my design space. Next to this. Jorge who explored learning in real time through VR. I’m interested in how this could be used to create a better sense of knowledge for people and how this would work in VR/AR. I feel that collaboration would be interesting to also see how this could change people’s perspectives and how people could easily experience new things. Finally, Oliver, who I have worked with on 2 projects and feel that he has an interesting perspective on circularity and new techs that can be used to reach this.

All in all, this week has taught me that you can take a first-person perspective in design to gain a deeper understanding of what you are interested in. This does come with biases and subjectivity; however, this can be used to position yourself in the field. In relation to MDEF, the project I will be working on is also supposed to relate to the future I want to live in so using this method will be helpful in the future.

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