
Exploring and getting to know all that
MDEF and Barcelona has to offer

"Shaping the design and exploring our surroundings"

The first week of the Masters in Design for Emergent Futures is not just about adapting to a new country and city—it's the beginning of a transformative journey that will shape the design approach of everyone in MDEF, including us. This first week focussed on letting us get used to the new university, the different expertises that surrounds us and creating the environment in which we will study for the coming year. We delved into each other, the faculty, as well as IAAC, Elisava, Fab Lab Barcelona, and the vibrant Poblenou neighborhood and Barcelona itself—our main experimental playground. This landing week aimed to foster collaboration opportunities for developing their research agenda throughout the program. 

Day 1: The start of it all

The first day was not very special in information received about the masters but it was my first look into the faculty where I will be spending the majority of my time the coming year. I explored the IAAC building and talked to some fellow students, from MDEF but also other masters.

Day 2: Meeting the Faculty

Day two of landing brought more overwhelm as we not only connected with fellow students but also met the diverse faculty who will guide us. After insights into their fields and what we'll learn, we engaged in a unique exercise. Sharing personal objects, we explored their significance, delving into our history, privilege, and more. It was a fascinating glimpse into design from a philosophical standpoint.

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Day 4: Creating Our Space

A day meant for learning about documenting our journey and creating the physical space in which we will spend the majority of our time the next year. First, some interesting classes about why documenting is more than just writing, something I realized during my bachelors and setting up the framework for our website. The real fun part came in the afternoon when we worked together to transform the class into a functional and fun space. From rearranging the tables to building our own minilab in the back.

Landing Reflection

This week has been overwhelming, exciting and surprising. The start of a new journey always takes some time but I can say I am ready for what might come. Already I notice that the people I have talked to, the things I have seen and experienced have altered the course I was on before. I won’t say that I am certain what this year will hold or what I will end up working on in the future. But I have gotten a curiosity for bio materials and user impact just by talking to others in the master. I am intrigued to see how this might evolve or shift within the coming trimester and what more I can explore and experiment with during my masters. I feel that now that the landing week is coming to a close I do feel more secure in what the faculty at IAAC expect from us and what I will learn from this masters. Ready to face the next year at IAAC and within MDEF.

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