Digital Prototyping 04

Using Wearable to Sense Movement

This digital prototyping challenge was focussed on how can use sensors to sense the body and . This was for me very far off from my project so I took this opportunity to play around with the technology and Wekinator (AI trainer), together with Flora. It was a fun idea to explore, and allowed me to see how other classmates are engaging in other areas of digital fabrication and visualization.

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Testing the Circuit

The first step we needed to take during this process was prototyping the circuit and testing how the conductive material functioned. 

Connecting to Wekinator with face OSC

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Opening FaceOSC
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Connecting to wekinator
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Training wekinator

Training the Wekinator and Creating Movement

For the actual training of the Wekinator model, we worked with two movements. Straightened and then bent. I also played around with the idea of half bent but the training of the model did not have enough data to realize which movement that was so it was not a success. I think in the future if I would continue it would need many more samples to work. With the two inputs I was able to train I could then transfer this to a visual design of a ball increasing and decreasing in size. 

Reflecting on Digital Prototyping 4

This class while interesting and fun to take part of was a basis of body sensors and using these to control an output. As my thesis project is focused more on energy transition and using that to collect input from devices and behavior it is less related to the focus of this class. What I did enjoy about this class was the aspect of rapid prototyping and how by using basic techniques you could quickly see results of your initial ideas.

I did enjoy learning how to create a soft sensor and using fabric to create conductivity. This allowed for me to play around with the idea of soft technology and how this could potentially be beneficial in future projects. For now I won't use it during my journey, however in the future it could be interesting to bring this idea of translating body input into output to a design in which either health or safety is explored. 

Some other things that I found interesting to think about and see during this seminar were the vast amount of possibilities for this type of interaction between technology and body. Next to this I was intrigued by the way other students in the class were engaging with this seminar and using the lessons taught to further their own projects. It is nice to see that we all differ in our interests and ideas, and that seminars that might not be as related to my project are actually key to someone else being able to explore their own research.

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