Designing in State of Climate Emergency

What and how does one design and make choices in relation to the climate emergency our planet faces?

Start of the new term and a seminar which brought various key problems to light. This week fit very well into my design direction in relation to the way humans think and how not only the climate crisis but other crises now play a role in how we design and make choices as designers. 

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Climate Emergency or Polycrisis? 

As humans we have learned about the climate emergency and what its effect will be on our planet. However, the state of climate emergency is not the only crisis we are facing anymore. It is interconnected with other crises that relate to economics, politics, geopolitics and the natural environment. Look at the wars happening around the world, the rates of inflation across the globe and much more. Addressing the climate emergency or polycrisis now requires an approach that considers these interconnected challenges and seeks solutions that address multiple crises simultaneously.

Starting a Conversation with Others

The main exercise of the week was in relation to all the topics we discussed. We created posters and headed out to the beach. For me this was an exercise where I was able to gain valuable insights from people in different places in life. We talked to a man working at Nike, a couple that were vegan and another older couple. Each talk we had brought new insights into how others feel the climate change issue. For me the best three insights were as followed

Reflecting on Designing in State of Climate Emergency

The seminar started with the concept of designing in a state of 'polycrisis', which refers to the simultaneous occurrence of multiple crises, each linked to different factors. This was a significant shift from the conventional focus on the climate emergency alone. The discussion emphasized the interconnectedness of various crises and urged the consideration of the chain of links connecting different issues.

For me a key idea that stood out to me from the past week is that there is a displacement of problems within many solutions that are traditionally considered climate positive. Furthermore there is lack of transparency and curiosity within design and government, with solutions often merely shifting the problem elsewhere rather than truly resolving it. This also led me to look at how achieving a balance within the planet is possible, a key role in this is that humans are not just inhabitants of the Earth, but integral parts of Earth.

Next to this looking back at the second lecture we touched on the topic of time I really was intrigued by how time can be seen differently from many different cultures. I think for me the main point to take into account moving forward is that there are already a lot of solutions and that we can look to the past for inspiration for the future.

Finally the final lecture given on growth seemed interesting to me. The concept of degrowth was something I had already spent time looking into throughout term 1, and it was great to see how different experts viewed this topic. One from a more economic point of view and the other took a holistic stance. I stand by the fact that we need to be able to share the information to shift perspectives on economic degrowth and climate effect.

For myself and gaining insights to move forward on the interventions of term 2, the small experiment we did in groups by the beach were extremely valuable. I feel that after listening to how others feel about the problem I now have some new ideas in how I can research and integrate ideas they stated into my own project. In relation to energy, perception of usage and human behavior there is a lot to be learned from this seminar. Moving forward, I hope to use the knowledge that to design is to make choices, and that we need to act now, however by implementing small changes you can work to change the future in a much more realistic way.

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