Design Dialogues 2

How can we shift peoples perception of waste and usage

This round of dialogues versus the first term was quite different. Instead of having a wide range of ideas to present I had become more clear on my ideas. Together with Oliver, we had spent the past term exploring energy and its impact on society. Inspired by the concept of the 2000-watt society, we're working to reshape energy awareness. 

What we did this Term

Reshaping energy awareness starts with understanding public perceptions. Through user research, we discovered how people view energy and tracking devices. Exploring existing methods, we found a gap between data availability and user comprehension. To bridge this gap, we're developing an open-source energy monitor for homes that ideally can measure all the energy in your home from your fuse box, but that still needs additional testing.

Simultaneously, we made Dan, a personable energy bot, designed to interact with users via Telegram. Dan not only retrieves data from the monitor but also provides personalized tips and insights, bridging the gap between raw energy data and actionable knowledge.

Mobirise Website Builder

The created energy monitor

Mobirise Website Builder

Space dedicated to our energy monitor

Mobirise Website Builder
Poster highlighting the problem of energy
Mobirise Website Builder
Poster about journey taken through term 2
Mobirise Website Builder
Showcase poster about materials and actual energy cost

What's Next

As I enter the final term of my master's, I have realized that my interests lie firmly in designing for this societal transition. In particular, how we interact with energy, the impact energy has, and what roles it plays in our lives.

Oliver and I are excited to engage with more communities in Barcelona to understand their perspectives on energy solutions and challenges. We're also continuing to develop our energy bot and testing its integration into households, exploring the balance between providing sufficient input while not overwhelming users. Additionally, we're investigating how our design can scale to meet the needs of both households and businesses as energy consumers.

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