Design Studio 04

Discovering how competition and perception shift habits

In this intervention the goal was to see how being perceived as watched and having a competition between friends might alter ones habits in relation to electricity usage, waste management and public transport. For this we created the following graphs to keep track of the three categories on a public website so that you can keep in mind how you are doing in relation to others. Next to that we ended up creating a tracking device of energy usage to try out in class at MDEF.

Tracking Our Usage

For the tracking of the categories throughout the week it was interesting to see how just trying to be more aware changed my habits. Instead of charging my laptop when it got to 50% or overnight I waited and did it when I could see what the percentage was. It was also surprising for me to see that I do not create as much food waste as I originally thought. Also by doing this as a group I noticed we started to talk more amongst ourselves about how we felt about our usage and what we had been doing different. This led to a sort of safe space in which I did not feel judged for doing certain things. 

Mobirise Website Builder
Food waste generated
Mobirise Website Builder
Energy Tracker
Mobirise Website Builder
Transport Tracker

Real Time Tracking

Throughout the week we started to take notice of small habits we had and how by tracking it started to change. However while we were more aware we were interested in seeing how having a constant reminder of the energy consumed could create more interaction with our peers. For this we decided to create a small device that took note of the energy used by our laptops and related this to a light strip that slowly lit up more and changed color based on which zone you were on. 

Mobirise Website Builder

Device in Action

Mobirise Website Builder

Working on Code

Intervention Video

While the intervention changed over the course of the week it was still and extremely learning experience in which we got to understand what a sense of community and competition did to your participation in certain challenge.

Reflecting on Second Intervention

This intervention for me was a way to explore further what I did as part of "Living with Your Own Ideas" course. It built forth on my feeling that to change an individuals behaviour you need to create a sense of belonging and doing it with others. The idea of this intervention was not to punish ourselves but to frame our usages in positive ways. This way we were able to think of energy spent as euros saved, transport taken as CO2 not used and food waste compared to an average citizen. It made it more fun to think of your usage in this way.

Next to this the creation of the device which we had on our table during class on Friday started some interesting conversations with our peers. They were curious to what it was and its purpose. Once we got to explaining they started to understand that we were almost already at our limit for energy used for a laptop in day while we still had some time left before class finished. It was interesting to see how such a simple device portraying something we all know about in a new way led to interesting conversations.

I feel that for me the main learning points throughout these past weeks have been that what you use does not have to be framed negatively. You are more likely to have fruitful conversations by framing an issue positively. Next to this I feel that having done this with 3 others simultaneously led to me feeling more accountable for my actions and sticking to this change. I do feel that for this to be viable to do in the future automation of the tracking is essential. It was a bit too much work as of now so that is something in the future to consider. 

I think that for design dialogues it would be interesting to scale this up in such a way that the usage is not only is it portraying in real time what is being used but how people interact not only with their own usage but also perhaps others. I'm interested in seeing how you can create communities for change by implementing simple devices or having something that starts a conversation. This intervention was a small step in that direction as we created our community in the group and saw how already using that we were challenged and motivated to stick to it. However this might be different when taking a larger group into account or people who do not find this as important. I feel that this area of tension is something I am passionate about exploring more in the future and trying to find possible solutions to. 

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